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    SmartLive – Nachhaltige Innovationsentwicklung im Living Lab für Smart Home/Smart Energy

    Laufzeit: 2014-2017

    Förderung: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)

    Ansprechpartner: Dipl.-Medienwirtin Corinna Ogonowski

    Für den wachsenden Markt von Smart Home/Smart Energy-Systemen stellen mangelnde Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Konsistenz in der Benutzerführung von Hard- und Softwareprodukten ein akutes Problem für die breite Akzeptanz und den Markterfolg der neuen Technologien dar. Auf der einen Seite liegt das an der Vielfalt der in der Entwicklung des intelligenten Zuhauses beteiligten Unternehmen, die aufgrund der niedrigen Eintrittsschwelle häufig eigene Lösungen anbieten, ohne ein integriertes Qualitätsmanagement zu besitzen. Auf der anderen Seite fehlen für den Bereich bisher noch ausgearbeitete und einheitliche Konzepte von Usability.

    Um die Kompetenz insbesondere von klein- und mittelständigen Unternehmen (KMU) zu fördern und um geeignete und nutzbare IT-Lösungen zu entwickeln, soll im Projekt die nutzerorientierte Innovationsmethodik des Living Labs as Service an die spezifischen Bedarfe von KMU angepasst und die Eignung des Ansatzes in der Praxis erprobt werden. Da KMU meist keine eigene Usability-Abteilung zur Spezifizierung von Design-Guidelines besitzen, sollen ergänzend und im engen Austausch mit Endnutzern, Entwicklern und Forschern allgemeine Ergonomie Richtlinien für Smart Home/Smart Energy entwickelt werden. Die entwickelten Usability-Guidelines sollen bei konkreten Problemstellungen zur Gestaltung intuitiv bedienbarer Smart Home Lösungen in Form von Pilotmaßnahmen angewandt werden.

    Insgesamt zielt das Projekt damit auf Innovationen in den folgenden Bereichen ab:

    • Living Lab as Service: Entwicklung einer Innovationsmethodik mit flexibler Modularisierung und Gestaltung für KMU zur Erfassung und Gestaltung künftiger Lebenswirklichkeiten.
    • Ergonomie Richtlinien: Spezifikation von Usability und User Experience Guidelines für die Domäne Smart Energy/Smart Home.
    • Showcases: Entwicklung von Demonstratoren im Living Lab, die als in den Lebensalltag eingebettete Showcases die künftige User Experience von Smart Home im Alltag erlebbar machen.

    Weitere Informationen unter www.smart-live.info



    • Ogonowski, C., Hennes, P., Läkamp, J. & Seiffert, M. (2017)Shop und Play-Erlebnis im Smart Home: Mit Technik weg von der Technik

      IN Mittelstand-Digital WISSENSCHAFT TRIFFT PRAXIS, Pages: 63–71
      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      Die Überlegung ein Smart Home-System in Neu- oder Bestandbauten zu integrieren wird heute in immer mehr Haushalten diskutiert. Bestehende Systemlösungen sind derzeit aber nur limitiert am Bedarf der Nutzer orientiert, immer noch technisch komplex und überwiegend manuell in Betrieb zu nehmen. Im Rahmen einer Living Lab-Studie haben wir uns dieser Problemstellung mittels einer qualitativen Daten-erhebung in 14 Testhaushalten genähert. Wir haben zunächst Bedürfnisse und gegenwärtige Probleme mit aktuellen Systemlösungen am Markt analysiert und darauf aufbauend nutzerzentriert ein Konzept für die bedarfsgerechte Auswahl-, Regeldefinition und Inbetriebnahme eines Smart Home-Systems entwickelt. Dabei soll die technische Auswahl und Konfiguration des Smart Home-Systems in den der Installation vorgelagerten Einkaufs- und Logistik-Prozess übertragen werden und den Nutzer von der technischen Inbetriebnahme befreien, um so das Erlebnis und den Mehrwert eines smarten Zuhauses zu steigern.

      title = {Shop und {Play}-{Erlebnis} im {Smart} {Home}: {Mit} {Technik} weg von der {Technik}},
      url = {http://smartlive.wineme.fb5.uni-siegen.de/wp-uploads/2017/02/Ogonowski_ShopundPlay.pdf},
      abstract = {Die Überlegung ein Smart Home-System in Neu- oder Bestandbauten zu integrieren wird heute in immer mehr Haushalten diskutiert. Bestehende Systemlösungen sind derzeit aber nur limitiert am Bedarf der Nutzer orientiert, immer noch technisch komplex und überwiegend manuell in Betrieb zu nehmen. Im Rahmen einer Living Lab-Studie haben wir uns dieser Problemstellung mittels einer qualitativen Daten-erhebung in 14 Testhaushalten genähert. Wir haben zunächst Bedürfnisse und gegenwärtige Probleme mit aktuellen Systemlösungen am Markt analysiert und darauf aufbauend nutzerzentriert ein Konzept für die bedarfsgerechte Auswahl-, Regeldefinition und Inbetriebnahme eines Smart Home-Systems entwickelt. Dabei soll die technische Auswahl und Konfiguration des Smart Home-Systems in den der Installation vorgelagerten Einkaufs- und Logistik-Prozess übertragen werden und den Nutzer von der technischen Inbetriebnahme befreien, um so das Erlebnis und den Mehrwert eines smarten Zuhauses zu steigern.},
      number = {6},
      journal = {Mittelstand-Digital WISSENSCHAFT TRIFFT PRAXIS},
      author = {Ogonowski, Corinna and Hennes, Philippe and Läkamp, Jens and Seiffert, Maximilian},
      year = {2017},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE},
      pages = {63--71},

    • Jakobi, T., Ogonowski, C., Castelli, N., Stevens, G. & Wulf, V. (2017)The Catch(es) with Smart Home – Experiences of a Living Lab Field Study

      Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI).

      title = {The {Catch}(es) with {Smart} {Home} – {Experiences} of a {Living} {Lab} {Field} {Study}},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Conference} on {Human} {Factors} in {Computing} {Systems} ({CHI})},
      author = {Jakobi, Timo and Ogonowski, Corinna and Castelli, Nico and Stevens, Gunnar and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2017},
      keywords = {A-Paper, CSCW, PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, UUIS},

    • Castelli, N., Ogonowski, C., Jakobi, T., Stein, M., Stevens, G. & Wulf, V. (2017)What happened in my home?: An End-User Development Approach for Smart Home Data Visualization

      Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI).
      [BibTeX] [Abstract]

      Smart home systems change the way we experience the home. While there are established research fields within HCI for visualizing specific use cases of a smart home, studies targeting user demands on visualizations spanning across multiple use cases are rare. Especially, individual data-related demands pose a challenge for usable visualizations. To investigate potentials of an end-user development (EUD) approach for flexibly supporting such demands, we developed a smart home system featuring both pre-defined visualizations and a visualization creation tool. To evaluate our concept, we installed our prototype in 12 households as part of a Living Lab study. Results are based on three interview studies, a design workshop and system log data. We identified eight overarching interests in home data and show how participants used pre-defined visualizations to get an overview and the creation tool to not only address specific use cases but also to answer questions by creating temporary visualizations.

      title = {What happened in my home?: {An} {End}-{User} {Development} {Approach} for {Smart} {Home} {Data} {Visualization}},
      abstract = {Smart home systems change the way we experience the home. While there are established research fields within HCI for visualizing specific use cases of a smart home, studies targeting user demands on visualizations spanning across multiple use cases are rare. Especially, individual data-related demands pose a challenge for usable visualizations. To investigate potentials of an end-user development (EUD) approach for flexibly supporting such demands, we developed a smart home system featuring both pre-defined visualizations and a visualization creation tool. To evaluate our concept, we installed our prototype in 12 households as part of a Living Lab study. Results are based on three interview studies, a design workshop and system log data. We identified eight overarching interests in home data and show how participants used pre-defined visualizations to get an overview and the creation tool to not only address specific use cases but also to answer questions by creating temporary visualizations.},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Conference} on {Human} {Factors} in {Computing} {Systems} ({CHI})},
      author = {Castelli, Nico and Ogonowski, Corinna and Jakobi, Timo and Stein, Martin and Stevens, Gunnar and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2017},
      keywords = {a-paper, PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE},


    • Ogonowski, C., Förmer, D., Gussmann, S., Hennes, P., Hackbarth, K., Jakobi, T., Kersten, K., Läkamp, J., Mengi, A. & Pursche, F. (2016)Living Lab as a Service: Individuelle Dienstleistungen zur nutzerzentrierten Innovationsentwicklung im Smart Home


      title = {Living {Lab} as a {Service}: {Individuelle} {Dienstleistungen} zur nutzerzentrierten {Innovationsentwicklung} im {Smart} {Home}},
      author = {Ogonowski, Corinna and Förmer, Dirk and Gussmann, Svenja and Hennes, Philippe and Hackbarth, Kai and Jakobi, Timo and Kersten, Konstantin and Läkamp, Jens and Mengi, Anil and Pursche, Fabian},
      year = {2016},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, DBL},
      pages = {27},

    • Meurer, J., Ogonowski, C., Stevens, G. & Wulf, V. (2016)Nachhaltiges Innovationsmanagement in KMU : Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Living Labs as a Service

      Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI)., Pages: 917–928
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {Nachhaltiges {Innovationsmanagement} in {KMU} : {Eine} empirische {Untersuchung} zu {Living} {Labs} as a {Service}},
      url = {http://www.mittelstand-digital.de/MD/Redaktion/DE/PDF/nachhaltiges-innovaionsmarketing,property=pdf,bereich=md,sprache=de,rwb=true.pdf},
      booktitle = {Multikonferenz {Wirtschaftsinformatik} ({MKWI})},
      author = {Meurer, Johanna and Ogonowski, Corinna and Stevens, Gunnar and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2016},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, DBL},
      pages = {917--928},

    • Stickel, O., Ogonowski, C., Jakobi, T., Gunnar, S., Pipek, V., Wulf, V., Stevens, G., Pipek, V., Wulf, V., Gunnar, S., Pipek, V. & Wulf, V. (2016)User Integration in Agile Software Development Processes: Practices and Challenges in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

      IN Cockton, G., Gregory, P., Lárusdóttir, M. & Cajander, A. (Eds.), Integrating User-Centred Design in Agile Development doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32165-3_1
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {User {Integration} in {Agile} {Software} {Development} {Processes}: {Practices} and {Challenges} in {Small} and {Medium} {Sized} {Enterprises}},
      isbn = {978-3-319-32163-9},
      url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-32165-3_1 http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-32165-3%7B_%7D1},
      booktitle = {Integrating {User}-{Centred} {Design} in {Agile} {Development}},
      publisher = {Springer International Publishing AG Switzerland},
      author = {Stickel, Oliver and Ogonowski, Corinna and Jakobi, Timo and Gunnar, Stevens and Pipek, Volkmar and Wulf, Volker and Stevens, Gunnar and Pipek, Volkmar and Wulf, Volker and Gunnar, Stevens and Pipek, Volkmar and Wulf, Volker},
      editor = {Cockton, Gilbert and Gregory, Peggy and Lárusdóttir, Marta and Cajander, Asa},
      year = {2016},
      doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-32165-3_1},
      keywords = {CSCW, PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, CUBES},
      pages = {49--76},

    • Chung, J., Demiris, G. & Thompson, H. J. (2016)Ethical Considerations Regarding the Use of Smart Home Technologies for Older Adults: An Integrative Review.

      IN Annual review of nursing research, Vol. 34 doi:10.1891/0739-6686.34.155
      [BibTeX] [Abstract]

      PROBLEM: With the wide adoption and use of smart home applications, there is a need for examining ethical issues regarding smart home use at the intersection of aging, technology, and home environment. PURPOSE: The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of ethical considerations and the evidence on these ethical issues based on an integrative literature review with regard to the utilization of smart home technologies by older adults and their family members. Review Design and Methods: We conducted an integrative literature review of the scientific literature from indexed databases (e. g., MEDLINE, CINAHL, and PsycINFO). The framework guiding this review is derived from previous work on ethical considerations related to telehealth use for older adults and smart homes for palliative care. Key ethical issues of the framework include privacy, informed consent, autonomy, obtrusiveness, equal access, reduction in human touch, and usability. RESULTS: Six hundred and thirty-five candidate articles were identified between the years 1990 and 2014. Sixteen articles were included in the review. Privacy and obtrusiveness issues appear to be the most important factors that can affect smart home technology adoption. In addition, this article recommends that stigmatization and reliability and maintenance of the system are additional factors to consider. IMPLICATIONS: When smart home technology is used appropriately, it has the potential to improve quality of life and maintain safety among older adults, ultimately supporting the desire of older adults for aging in place. The ability to respond to potential ethical concerns will be critical to the future development and application of smart home technologies that aim to enhance safety and independence.

      title = {Ethical {Considerations} {Regarding} the {Use} of {Smart} {Home} {Technologies} for {Older} {Adults}: {An} {Integrative} {Review}.},
      volume = {34},
      doi = {10.1891/0739-6686.34.155},
      abstract = {PROBLEM: With the wide adoption and use of smart home applications, there is a need for examining ethical issues regarding smart home use at the intersection of aging, technology, and home environment. PURPOSE: The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of ethical considerations and the evidence on these ethical issues based on an integrative literature review with regard to the utilization of smart home technologies by older adults and their family members. Review Design and Methods: We conducted an integrative literature review of the scientific literature from indexed databases (e. g., MEDLINE, CINAHL, and PsycINFO). The framework guiding this review is derived from previous work on ethical considerations related to telehealth use for older adults and smart homes for palliative care. Key ethical issues of the framework include privacy, informed consent, autonomy, obtrusiveness, equal access, reduction in human touch, and usability. RESULTS: Six hundred and thirty-five candidate articles were identified between the years 1990 and 2014. Sixteen articles were included in the review. Privacy and obtrusiveness issues appear to be the most important factors that can affect smart home technology adoption. In addition, this article recommends that stigmatization and reliability and maintenance of the system are additional factors to consider. IMPLICATIONS: When smart home technology is used appropriately, it has the potential to improve quality of life and maintain safety among older adults, ultimately supporting the desire of older adults for aging in place. The ability to respond to potential ethical concerns will be critical to the future development and application of smart home technologies that aim to enhance safety and independence.},
      number = {1},
      journal = {Annual review of nursing research},
      author = {Chung, Jane and Demiris, George and Thompson, Hilaire J},
      year = {2016},
      pmid = {26673381},
      keywords = {SMARTLIVE},

    • Jakobi, T., Ogonowski, C., Castelli, N., Stevens, G. & Wulf, V. (2016)Das Zuhause smart machen – Erfahrungen aus Nutzersicht

      Mensch & Computer: Tagungsband., Publisher: accepted, Pages: 1–10
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {Das {Zuhause} smart machen – {Erfahrungen} aus {Nutzersicht}},
      url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Corinna_Ogonowski/publication/307935722_Das_Zuhause_smart_machen_Erfahrungen_aus_Nutzersicht/links/57d2933508ae5f03b48caac4.pdf},
      booktitle = {Mensch \& {Computer}: {Tagungsband}},
      publisher = {accepted},
      author = {Jakobi, Timo and Ogonowski, Corinna and Castelli, Nico and Stevens, Gunnar and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2016},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, DBL, Smart Live},
      pages = {1--10},

    • Jakobi, T., Ogonowski, C., Castelli, N., Stevens, G. & Wulf, V. (2016)Smart Home Experience Journey: Über den Einsatz und die Wahrnehmung von Smart Home-Technologien im Alltag

      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {Smart {Home} {Experience} {Journey}: Über den {Einsatz} und die {Wahrnehmung} von {Smart} {Home}-{Technologien} im {Alltag}},
      url = {http://www.connected-living.org/content/4-information/4-downloads/4-studien/1-wissenschaft-trifft-praxis-neue-formen-des-home-experience-design-juli-2016-quelle-mittelstand-digital/wissenschaft-trifft-praxis_neue-formen-des-home-experience-designs.pdf},
      author = {Jakobi, Timo and Ogonowski, Corinna and Castelli, Nico and Stevens, Gunnar and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2016},
      keywords = {SMARTLIVE, DBL},
      pages = {12},

    • Schulze-Sturm, S., Hennes, P. & Ogonowski, C. (2016)Shop und Play als neues Geschäftsmodell

      IN ew – Magazin für Energiewirtschaft Spezial, Pages: 50–53

      title = {Shop und {Play} als neues {Geschäftsmodell}},
      number = {IV},
      journal = {ew - Magazin für Energiewirtschaft Spezial},
      author = {Schulze-Sturm, Stefan and Hennes, Philippe and Ogonowski, Corinna},
      year = {2016},
      keywords = {SMARTLIVE},
      pages = {50--53},

    • Castelli, N. & Stevens, G. (2016)Das Zuhause verstehen: Eine Literaturstudie zur Visualisierung von Verbrauchsdaten


      title = {Das {Zuhause} verstehen: {Eine} {Literaturstudie} zur {Visualisierung} von {Verbrauchsdaten}},
      author = {Castelli, Nico and Stevens, Gunnar},
      year = {2016},
      keywords = {SMARTLIVE, DBL},
      pages = {58},


    • Ley, B., Ogonowski, C., Mu, M., Hess, J., Race, N. J. P., Randall, D., Rouncefield, M. & Wulf, V. (2015)At Home with Users: A Comparative View of Living Labs

      IN Interacting with Computers, Vol. 27, Pages: 21–35 doi:10.1093/iwc/iwu025
      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      Living Labs provide a human-centric‘ research approach for the design of new ICT artefacts. In Living Labs users participate over several design stages, providing insights into unexpected ICT use, co-creation and evaluation of new IT solutions. Although this approach is becoming more popular, there is little comparative and reflective work on its practical dynamics, problems and possibilities. In this study, we analyse two 4-year Living Lab projects in Lancaster, UK and Siegen, Germany within the domain of Social TV, and compare experiences. We focus on documenting the purposes, methods and user dynamics that affect the trajectory of such long-term research initiatives, focusing inter alia on the dynamics of researcher/user interaction and the developing issues of trust and managing expectations; emphasizing some often neglected ethical issues and the impact of users‘ individual characteristics and their role in the community dynamics of Living Labs.

      title = {At {Home} with {Users}: {A} {Comparative} {View} of {Living} {Labs}},
      volume = {27},
      issn = {0953-5438},
      url = {http://iwc.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/07/29/iwc.iwu025.abstract http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwu025},
      doi = {10.1093/iwc/iwu025},
      abstract = {Living Labs provide a human-centric' research approach for the design of new ICT artefacts. In Living Labs users participate over several design stages, providing insights into unexpected ICT use, co-creation and evaluation of new IT solutions. Although this approach is becoming more popular, there is little comparative and reflective work on its practical dynamics, problems and possibilities. In this study, we analyse two 4-year Living Lab projects in Lancaster, UK and Siegen, Germany within the domain of Social TV, and compare experiences. We focus on documenting the purposes, methods and user dynamics that affect the trajectory of such long-term research initiatives, focusing inter alia on the dynamics of researcher/user interaction and the developing issues of trust and managing expectations; emphasizing some often neglected ethical issues and the impact of users' individual characteristics and their role in the community dynamics of Living Labs.},
      number = {1},
      journal = {Interacting with Computers},
      author = {Ley, Benedikt and Ogonowski, Corinna and Mu, Mu and Hess, Jan and Race, Nicholas J P and Randall, David and Rouncefield, Mark and Wulf, Volker},
      month = jul,
      year = {2015},
      keywords = {A-Paper, CSCW, PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, Smart Live, SOCIALMEDIA},
      pages = {21--35},

    • Jakobi, T. & Stevens, G. (2015)Potentials of energy consumption measurements in office environments

      Proceeding of ICT4S ’15., Publisher: Atlantis Press, Pages: 345–352 doi:10.2991/ict4s-env-15.2015.39
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {Potentials of energy consumption measurements in office environments},
      isbn = {978-94-6252-092-9},
      url = {http://www.atlantis-press.com/php/paper-details.php?id=25836183},
      doi = {10.2991/ict4s-env-15.2015.39},
      booktitle = {Proceeding of {ICT4S} '15},
      publisher = {Atlantis Press},
      author = {Jakobi, Timo and Stevens, Gunnar},
      year = {2015},
      keywords = {SMARTLIVE},
      pages = {345--352},

    • Ogonowski, C., Jakobi, T., Stevens, G. & Meurer, J. (2015)Living Lab As A Service: Das Living Lab als Dienstleistungsbaukasten zur Nutzer-zentrierten Entwicklung und Evaluation innovativer Smart Home Lösungen

      Mensch & Computer: Workshopband. Stuttgart, Publisher: Oldenbourg Wissensverlag, Pages: 701–711
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      address = {Stuttgart},
      title = {Living {Lab} {As} {A} {Service}: {Das} {Living} {Lab} als {Dienstleistungsbaukasten} zur {Nutzer}-zentrierten {Entwicklung} und {Evaluation} innovativer {Smart} {Home} {Lösungen}},
      url = {http://www.degruyter.com/dg/viewbooktoc.chapterlist.resultlinks.fullcontentlink:pdfeventlink/$002fbooks$002f9783110443905$002f9783110443905-094$002f9783110443905-094.pdf?t:ac=product/462127},
      booktitle = {Mensch \& {Computer}: {Workshopband}},
      publisher = {Oldenbourg Wissensverlag},
      author = {Ogonowski, Corinna and Jakobi, Timo and Stevens, Gunnar and Meurer, Johanna},
      editor = {Weisbecker, A and Burmester, M and Schmidt, A},
      year = {2015},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, DBL, LivingLabEnergy},
      pages = {701--711},

    • Jakobi, T. & Stevens, G. (2015)Energy saving at work – and when not working! Insights from a comparative study

      IN Proceedings of EnviroInfo ’15, Pages: 180–189 doi:10.2991/ict4s-env-15.2015.21
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {Energy saving at work - and when not working! {Insights} from a comparative study},
      url = {http://www.atlantis-press.com/php/paper-details.php?id=25836165},
      doi = {10.2991/ict4s-env-15.2015.21},
      journal = {Proceedings of EnviroInfo '15},
      author = {Jakobi, Timo and Stevens, Gunnar},
      year = {2015},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, DBL},
      pages = {180--189},

    • Stickel, O., Ogonowski, C., Jakobi, T., Stevens, G., Pipek, V. & Wulf, V. (2015)Praktiken der Nutzerintegration im Entwicklungsprozess von KMU

      Mensch & Computer: Tagungsband (Honorable Mention). Stuttgart, Publisher: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Pages: 103–112
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      address = {Stuttgart},
      title = {Praktiken der {Nutzerintegration} im {Entwicklungsprozess} von {KMU}},
      url = {http://dl.mensch-und-computer.de/handle/123456789/4603 http://www.degruyter.com/dg/viewbooktoc.chapterlist.resultlinks.fullcontentlink:pdfeventlink/$002fbooks$002f9783110443929$002f9783110443929-012$002f9783110443929-012.pdf?t:ac=produ},
      booktitle = {Mensch \& {Computer}: {Tagungsband} ({Honorable} {Mention})},
      publisher = {De Gruyter Oldenbourg},
      author = {Stickel, Oliver and Ogonowski, Corinna and Jakobi, Timo and Stevens, Gunnar and Pipek, Volkmar and Wulf, Volker},
      editor = {Diefenbach, Sarah and Henze, Niels and Pielot, Martin},
      year = {2015},
      pages = {103--112},

    • Castelli, N., Schönau, N., Stevens, G., Schwartz, T. & Jakobi, T. (2015)Role-based Eco-info Systems: An Organizational Theoretical View of Sustainable HCI at Work

      , Publisher: ECIS
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {Role-based {Eco}-info {Systems}: {An} {Organizational} {Theoretical} {View} of {Sustainable} {HCI} at {Work}},
      shorttitle = {Role-based {Eco}-info {Systems}},
      url = {http://aisel.aisnet.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1023&context=ecis2015_cr},
      publisher = {ECIS},
      author = {Castelli, Nico and Schönau, Niko and Stevens, Gunnar and Schwartz, Tobias and Jakobi, Timo},
      year = {2015},
      keywords = {SMARTLIVE, UUIS},


    • Castelli, N., Ogonowski, C., Stevens, G. & Jakobi, T. (2014)Placing information at home

      UbiComp ’14 Adjunct Proceedings. New York, New York, USA, Publisher: ACM Press, Pages: 919–922 doi:10.1145/2638728.2641548
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      address = {New York, New York, USA},
      title = {Placing information at home},
      isbn = {978-1-4503-3047-3},
      url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2638728.2641548},
      doi = {10.1145/2638728.2641548},
      booktitle = {{UbiComp} '14 {Adjunct} {Proceedings}},
      publisher = {ACM Press},
      author = {Castelli, Nico and Ogonowski, Corinna and Stevens, Gunnar and Jakobi, Timo},
      month = sep,
      year = {2014},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, context-awareness, consumption feedback, eco-feedback, hems, home energy management system, indoor-positioning},
      pages = {919--922},

    • Jakobi, T., Castelli, N., Nolte, A., Stevens, G. & Schönau, N. (2014)Towards Collaborative Green Business Process Management

      BIS-Verlag., Publisher: BIS-Verlag, Pages: 683–690

      title = {Towards {Collaborative} {Green} {Business} {Process} {Management}},
      booktitle = {{BIS}-{Verlag}},
      publisher = {BIS-Verlag},
      author = {Jakobi, Timo and Castelli, Nico and Nolte, Alexander and Stevens, Gunnar and Schönau, Niko},
      editor = {Jorge Marx Gómez Michael Sonnenschein, Ute Vogel Andreas Winter Barbara Rapp Nils Giesen},
      year = {2014},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, LivingLabEnergy},
      pages = {683--690},

    • Stevens, G., Jakobi, T. & Detken, K. (2014)Mehrseitige, barrierefreie Sicherheit intelligenter Messsysteme

      IN Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, Vol. 38, Pages: 536–544
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      title = {Mehrseitige, barrierefreie {Sicherheit} intelligenter {Messsysteme}},
      volume = {38},
      url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11623-014-0180-z},
      number = {8/2014},
      journal = {Datenschutz und Datensicherheit},
      author = {Stevens, Gunnar and Jakobi, Timo and Detken, Kai-Oliver},
      year = {2014},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, DBL},
      pages = {536--544},

    • Castelli, N., Stevens, G., Jakobi, T. & Schönau, N. (2014)Switch off the light in the living room, please! –Making eco-feedback meaningful through room context information

      Proceedings of the 28th EnviroInfo 2014 Conference. Oldenburg, Publisher: BIS-Verlag, Pages: 589–596
      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      Residential and commercial buildings are responsible for about 40\% of the EU’s total energy co n- sumption. However, conscious, sustainable use of this limited resource is hampered by a lack of visibility and materiality of consumption. One of the major challenges is enabling consumers to make informed decisions about energy consumption, thereby supporting the shift to sustainable a c- tions. With the use of Energy-Management-Systems it is possible to save up to 15\%. In recent years, design approaches have greatly diversified, but with the emergence of ubiquitous- and co n- text-aware computing, energy feedback solutions can be enriched with additional context info r- mation. In this study, we present the concept “ room as a context ” for eco-feedback systems. We investigate opportunities of making current state- of-the-art energy visualizations more meaningful and demonstrate which new forms of visualizations can be created with this additional info r- mation. Furthermore, we developed a prototype for android-based tablets, which includes some of the presented features to study our design concepts in the wild.

      address = {Oldenburg},
      title = {Switch off the light in the living room, please! –{Making} eco-feedback meaningful through room context information},
      url = {http://enviroinfo.eu/sites/default/files/pdfs/vol8514/0589.pdf},
      abstract = {Residential and commercial buildings are responsible for about 40\% of the EU's total energy co n- sumption. However, conscious, sustainable use of this limited resource is hampered by a lack of visibility and materiality of consumption. One of the major challenges is enabling consumers to make informed decisions about energy consumption, thereby supporting the shift to sustainable a c- tions. With the use of Energy-Management-Systems it is possible to save up to 15\%. In recent years, design approaches have greatly diversified, but with the emergence of ubiquitous- and co n- text-aware computing, energy feedback solutions can be enriched with additional context info r- mation. In this study, we present the concept “ room as a context ” for eco-feedback systems. We investigate opportunities of making current state- of-the-art energy visualizations more meaningful and demonstrate which new forms of visualizations can be created with this additional info r- mation. Furthermore, we developed a prototype for android-based tablets, which includes some of the presented features to study our design concepts in the wild.},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th {EnviroInfo} 2014 {Conference}},
      publisher = {BIS-Verlag},
      author = {Castelli, Nico and Stevens, Gunnar and Jakobi, Timo and Schönau, Niko},
      editor = {Jorge Marx Gómez Michael Sonnenschein, Ute Vogel Andreas Winter Barbara Rapp Nils Giesen},
      year = {2014},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, DBL, LivingLabEnergy},
      pages = {589--596},

    • Schwartz, T., Stevens, G., Jakobi, T., Denef, S., Ramirez, L., Wulf, V. & Randall, D. (2014)What People Do with Consumption Feedback: A Long-Term Living Lab Study of a Home Energy Management System

      IN Interacting with Computers, Vol. 27, Pages: 1–26 doi:10.1093/iwc/iwu009
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      One of the great societal challenges that we face today concerns the move to more sustainable patterns of energy consumption, reflecting the need to balance both individual consumer choice and societal demands. In order for this ‘energy turnaround‘ to take place, however, reducing residential energy consumption must go beyond using energy-efficient devices: More sustainable behaviour and lifestyles are essential parts of future ‘energy aware‘ living. Addressing this issue from an HCI perspective, this paper presents the results of a 3-year research project dealing with the co-design and appropriation of a Home Energy Management System (HEMS) that has been rolled out in a living lab setting with seven households for a period of 18 months. Our HEMS is inspired by feedback systems in Sustainable Interaction Design and allows the monitoring of energy consumption in real-time. In contrast to existing research mainly focusing on how technology can persuade people to consume less energy (‘what technology does to people‘), our study focuses on the appropriation of energy feedback systems (‘what people do with technology‘) and how newly developed practices can become a resource for future technology design. Therefore, we deliberately followed an open research design. In keeping with this approach, our study uncovers various responses, practices and obstacles of HEMS use. We show that HEMS use is characterized by a number of different features. Recognizing the distinctive patterns of technology use in the different households and the evolutionary character of that use within the households, we conclude with a discussion of these patterns in relation to existing research and their meaning for the design of future HEMSs.

      title = {What {People} {Do} with {Consumption} {Feedback}: {A} {Long}-{Term} {Living} {Lab} {Study} of a {Home} {Energy} {Management} {System}},
      volume = {27},
      issn = {0953-5438, 1873-7951},
      url = {http://iwc.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/04/05/iwc.iwu009 https://doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwu009},
      doi = {10.1093/iwc/iwu009},
      abstract = {One of the great societal challenges that we face today concerns the move to more sustainable patterns of energy consumption, reflecting the need to balance both individual consumer choice and societal demands. In order for this ‘energy turnaround' to take place, however, reducing residential energy consumption must go beyond using energy-efficient devices: More sustainable behaviour and lifestyles are essential parts of future ‘energy aware' living. Addressing this issue from an HCI perspective, this paper presents the results of a 3-year research project dealing with the co-design and appropriation of a Home Energy Management System (HEMS) that has been rolled out in a living lab setting with seven households for a period of 18 months. Our HEMS is inspired by feedback systems in Sustainable Interaction Design and allows the monitoring of energy consumption in real-time. In contrast to existing research mainly focusing on how technology can persuade people to consume less energy (‘what technology does to people'), our study focuses on the appropriation of energy feedback systems (‘what people do with technology') and how newly developed practices can become a resource for future technology design. Therefore, we deliberately followed an open research design. In keeping with this approach, our study uncovers various responses, practices and obstacles of HEMS use. We show that HEMS use is characterized by a number of different features. Recognizing the distinctive patterns of technology use in the different households and the evolutionary character of that use within the households, we conclude with a discussion of these patterns in relation to existing research and their meaning for the design of future HEMSs.},
      number = {6},
      journal = {Interacting with Computers},
      author = {Schwartz, Tobias and Stevens, Gunnar and Jakobi, Timo and Denef, Sebastian and Ramirez, Leonardo and Wulf, Volker and Randall, Dave},
      year = {2014},
      keywords = {sustainability, design, user studies, PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, DBL, editorial board member, empirical studies in interaction, interacting with computers},
      pages = {1--26},


    • Ogonowski, C., Ley, B., Hess, J., Wan, L. & Wulf, V. (2013)Designing for the Living Room: Long-term User Involvement in a Living Lab

      Proceedings of CHI ’13. New York, USA, Publisher: ACM, Pages: 1539–1548 doi:10.1145/2470654.2466205
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      address = {New York, USA},
      series = {{CHI} '13},
      title = {Designing for the {Living} {Room}: {Long}-term {User} {Involvement} in a {Living} {Lab}},
      isbn = {978-1-4503-1899-0},
      url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2470654.2466205},
      doi = {10.1145/2470654.2466205},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of {CHI} '13},
      publisher = {ACM},
      author = {Ogonowski, Corinna and Ley, Benedikt and Hess, Jan and Wan, Lin and Wulf, Volker},
      month = apr,
      year = {2013},
      keywords = {A-Paper, CSCW, living lab, participatory design, PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, LivingLabEnergy, SocialMedia, domestic domain, long-term user study},
      pages = {1539--1548},

    • Jakobi, T. & Stevens, G. (2013)Always beta: cooperative design in the smart home

      Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Adjunct Publication., Publisher: ACM, Pages: 837–844

      title = {Always beta: cooperative design in the smart home},
      booktitle = {Pervasive and {Ubiquitous} {Computing}, {Adjunct} {Publication}},
      publisher = {ACM},
      author = {Jakobi, Timo and Stevens, Gunnar},
      year = {2013},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE},
      pages = {837--844},

    • Schwartz, T., Stevens, G., Ramirez, L. & Wulf, V. (2013)Uncovering Practices of Making Energy Consumption Accountable: A Phenomenological Inquiry

      IN ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI), Vol. 20, Pages: Art. No. 12 doi:10.1145/2463579.2463583
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      title = {Uncovering {Practices} of {Making} {Energy} {Consumption} {Accountable}: {A} {Phenomenological} {Inquiry}},
      volume = {20},
      issn = {1073-0516},
      url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2463579.2463583},
      doi = {10.1145/2463579.2463583},
      number = {2},
      journal = {ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI)},
      author = {Schwartz, Tobias and Stevens, Gunnar and Ramirez, Leonardo and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2013},
      keywords = {sustainability, PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE, Energy, phenomenology},
      pages = {Art. No. 12},


    • Jakobi, T. & Schwartz, T. (2012)Putting the user in charge: end user development for eco-feedback technologies

      Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT), 2012., Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 1–4

      title = {Putting the user in charge: end user development for eco-feedback technologies},
      booktitle = {Sustainable {Internet} and {ICT} for {Sustainability} ({SustainIT}), 2012},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      author = {Jakobi, Timo and Schwartz, Tobias},
      year = {2012},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE},
      pages = {1--4},


    • Schwartz, T., Betz, M. M. & Stevens, G. (2011)Smart Metering für Büroarbeitsplätze

      IN HMD Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftinformatik, Vol. 278, Pages: 104–113

      title = {Smart {Metering} für {Büroarbeitsplätze}},
      volume = {278},
      issn = {0723-5208},
      number = {April},
      journal = {HMD Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftinformatik},
      author = {Schwartz, Tobias and Betz, Mathias Matthias and Stevens, Gunnar},
      year = {2011},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, SMARTLIVE},
      pages = {104--113},

    • Jakobi, T., Stevens, G. & Schwartz, T. (2011)EUD @ Smart Homes Smart refurbishment of rented apartments to improve energy efficiency

      IN IS-EUD’11 Workshop on EUD for Supporting Sustainability in Maker Communities, Pages: 1–8

      title = {{EUD} @ {Smart} {Homes} {Smart} refurbishment of rented apartments to improve energy efficiency},
      journal = {IS-EUD'11 Workshop on EUD for Supporting Sustainability in Maker Communities},
      author = {Jakobi, Timo and Stevens, Gunnar and Schwartz, Tobias},
      year = {2011},
      keywords = {smart home, SMARTLIVE, DBL, diy, end user development, home energy management systems, smart metering, sustainable interaction design},
      pages = {1--8},


    • Betz, M. & Schwartz, T. (2010)Soziale Dimensionen von Smart Metering am Arbeitsplatz

      Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI)., Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Pages: 341–352
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {Soziale {Dimensionen} von {Smart} {Metering} am {Arbeitsplatz}},
      url = {http://webdoc.sub.gwdg.de/univerlag/2010/mkwi/01_management_und_methoden/it-resourcenmanagement/03_soziale_dimensionen_von_smart_metering_am_arbeitsplatz.pdf},
      booktitle = {Multikonferenz {Wirtschaftsinformatik} ({MKWI})},
      publisher = {Universitätsverlag Göttingen},
      author = {Betz, Matthias and Schwartz, Tobias},
      editor = {Schumann, Matthias and Kolbe, Lutz M and Breitner, Michael H and Frerichs, Arne},
      year = {2010},
      keywords = {SMARTLIVE},
      pages = {341--352},


    • Pipek, V. & Wulf, V. (2000)Building CSCW-Systems for Electronic Communities: Supporting Task-oriented Work

      Position Paper for the Workshop „Electronic Communities: Places and Spaces, Contents and Boundaries“ at the Conference „CHI’2000“.

      title = {Building {CSCW}-{Systems} for {Electronic} {Communities}: {Supporting} {Task}-oriented {Work}},
      booktitle = {Position {Paper} for the {Workshop} "{Electronic} {Communities}: {Places} and {Spaces}, {Contents} and {Boundaries}" at the {Conference} "{CHI}'2000"},
      author = {Pipek, Volkmar and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2000},
      keywords = {CSCW, ProSEC, SMARTLIVE},